Special fare special trains between Chennai Egmore to Tiruchchirappalli during Pooja holidays 12-10-2016
Special fare special trains between Chennai Egmore to Tiruchchirappalli during Pooja holidays 12-10-2016
The following special trains will be run to clear the extra rush of traffic between Tirunelveli to Chennai Egmore during Pooja holidays 12-10-2016
Train No.06025 Chennai Egmore – Tiruchchirappalli special fare special train will leave Chennai Egmore at 08.30 hrs. on 12th October, 2016 and reach Tiruchchirappalli at 14.15 hrs. the same day.
Composition: AC 2-tier – 1, AC 3-tier – 3, Sleeper Class – 13, General Second Class – 2 & Luggage-cum-brake van – 2 coaches.
Stoppages: Tambaram, Chengalpattu, Villupuram, Vriddhachalam and Ariyalur.
Advance reservations for the above trains will commence on 28-9-2016.
The following special trains will be run to clear the extra rush of traffic between Tirunelveli to Chennai Egmore during Pooja holidays 12-10-2016
Train No.06025 Chennai Egmore – Tiruchchirappalli special fare special train will leave Chennai Egmore at 08.30 hrs. on 12th October, 2016 and reach Tiruchchirappalli at 14.15 hrs. the same day.
Composition: AC 2-tier – 1, AC 3-tier – 3, Sleeper Class – 13, General Second Class – 2 & Luggage-cum-brake van – 2 coaches.
Stoppages: Tambaram, Chengalpattu, Villupuram, Vriddhachalam and Ariyalur.
Advance reservations for the above trains will commence on 28-9-2016.