Christmas 2015 Special trains between Kochuveli to Bangalore Cantonment

Christmas 2015 Special trains between Kochuveli to Bangalore Cantonment

The following special trains will be run to clear the extra rush of traffic during Christmas season 2015 Special trains between Kochuveli — Bangalore Cantonment

Train No-o6156 Kochuveli — Bangalore Cantonment superfast special train will leave Kochuveli at 18-35 hrs- on 22-12-2015 and reach Bangalore Cantonment at 08-10 hrs- the next day.

Train No-061g Bangalore Cantonment — Kochuveli ‘SUVlDHA' special train will leave Bangalore Cantonment at 19-15 hrs- on 23-12-2015 and reach Kochuveli at 08.35

Stoppjges;  Kollam, Kottayam, Emakulam Town, Thrissur, Palakkad, Coimbatore, Erode and Krishnarajapuram.

Advance reservations for the above trains will commence on 17-12-2015